
Self referrals

There are a number of services locally that you are able to make self referrals to.

GP referrals

To request a GP referral:

Provide as much information as you can as this will help us to process your request.

You are entitled to ask for a referral for specialist treatment on the NHS. However, whether you will get the referral depends on what your GP feels is clinically necessary in your case.
If you wish to be referred to a specialist in a particular field, such as a surgeon, or a gynae-cologist (a specialist in the female reproductive system), you should see your usual GP or the one you are registered with. We understand your health history and treatments better than anyone and will base any decision for a specialist referral on this knowledge.

If you ask your GP to refer you to a specialist, they will probably suggest that you first try various tests, or treatment options, to see whether your condition improves.

Generally, you cannot self-refer to a specialist within the NHS, except when accessing sexual health clinics or accident and emergency (A&E) treatment.

A specialist will only see you with a letter of referral from your GP. The letter will give the specialist essential background information, such as your medical history, and it will also contain details that the specialist needs to pay particular attention to. When you are referred you will receive letter explaining how you can choose which hospital you attend and some on line booking information.

Tracking a referral

To track an existing referral:

NHS e-referrals

If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the “NHS e-Referral” system. You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.

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