Office staff

Reception staff

Lawrence hill health centre has a dedicated friendly team of reception staff who are always here to help you.

We understand that at times the surgery and phone lines are very busy. Please be patient with us as we all try to deal with your requests for appointments, emergencies, results and all other enquiries.

When speaking to our receptionists you may be asked for information regarding your symptoms, this is so the triage or on-call doctor can assess the urgency of the problem. Please be assured that all information will be handled with sensitively and confidentiality.

Office staff

Office staff

The practice has a hardworking team who process the majority of all incoming patient related correspondence.

Tasks include processing patient registrations and summarising medical records, scanning and coding all incoming hospital/clinical documents onto the electronic medical records, updating medication changes as well as many other administrative tasks.

Medical Secretaries

Medical secretaries

Our 3 experienced medical secretaries deal with all your hospital appointment enquiries and referrals. They have a wealth of experience in general practice and ensure the communication between clinicians; you the patient and the secondary provider are maintained.

We are available to take queries on the phone, however, due to the busy nature of our work we ask patients to leave a message with their details and we will endeavour to deal with the query or produce an outcome as soon as possible.

We have a very good working relationship with all departments and work well as part of the whole team within the practice.